Note Pad:
Notepad is a text editor available in Accessories. It allows typing and editing the text. In Notepad text can only be type and cannot be formatted. It has no paragraph or character formatting capability. Files are limited to text only.
Notepad takes much less memory then WordPad and starts faster. It is also use to write programs from programming language like: COBOL, Oracle, FoxPro, BASIC etc. It gives file extension .txt. Control Panel
It is use to set the screen color, Wallpaper, Screen sever, Adding and Removing program, Font, Hardware, Setting the primary mouse button, setting the Date / Time etc.
MS Paint
MS Paint (Paint Brush) MS paint is a drawing program used to draw of images. Different tones and colors are available create any good pictures. It gives extension. .BMP.
1. (Free- Form select): It is used to select any area of the picture by drawing a free hand line.
2. Select: It is used to select a rectangular portion of the drawing. It is the easier way to select the picture.
3. Eraser: It is used to erase any color.
. Paint cone, Fill with color: It is used to fill any include area the - color.
5. Pick Color: It is used to select a particular color, which is use in the picture.
6. Magnifier: It is used to zoom to particular part of the picture.
7. Pencil: It is used to draw a thin and thick line.
8. Brush: It is used to draw image. It works like a pen.
9. Airbrush: It is used to spray the select area.
10. Text: It is use to type text inside the picture.
11. Line: It use to draw a straight line.
12. Curve: It used to draw the curve line.
13. Rectangle: It is use to draw rectangle box.
14. Polygon: It is use to draw the polygon.
15. Ellipse: It is use to draw the circle.
16. Round Rectangle: It is used to draw the round box.
1. Backup tools: Window XP provides backup program to prevent loss of data from accident or power and disk failure.
Formula: click on start → Program→ Accessories→ System Tools → Backup
2. Character Map: It is use to select some special character such as foreign character or currency symbols. It displays 224 characters in the selected font. It is a special application, which is not having a menu bar.
Formula: Click on start→ Accessories→ System tool → Character map.
Disk Defragmentation: It is use to tuning up Hard disk for maximum performance. We can speed up the Hard Disk response time by using the Disk Defragementation. It is also use to re-arrange files and un-used spaces on the Hard disk.
Disk Clean Up: The disk clean up tools helps you free up space on your hard disk by searching your disk for files that you can safely delete
A. Remove temporary internet file
B. Remove downloaded program file example Active X, Controls and Jawa Applets that are down loaded from the internet.
C. Empty the recycle Bin
D. Remove windows temporary file
E. Remove optional Windows component that you are not using
F. Remove installed programmed that your no longer use.
MS Word:
Microsoft word is a software package, developed by Microsoft corporation for word processing application. It is a full fledged word processing package. In ms word we can create format and print the document by using following features.
1 Change Case
2. Spelling and Grammar Checking
3. Auto text and Auto correct
4. Super-script and sub- Script
5. Bullet and numbering.
6. Border and shading
7. Tables and columns.
8. Mail Merge
9. Microsoft and temples etc.
10. Header & Footer
Saving a document → Press Ctrl +S. It gives file extension .DOC
To open a file→ Press Ctrl +O
To create a new Document: press Ctrl +N
To Print a Document: press Ctrl +P
Page Set up in MS word: It is use to set the margin paper size, text element and layout of the page. Formula → Click on file Page setup. Or press Alt +F+U.
It will display 4 tabs.
1. Margin: It is use to specific the top, bottom, left, right and gutter margin.
2. Paper size: It can use to specify the size of the paper on which the printing can be done. In MS Word default paper size will be Letter size. It can be change according to the size of paper used for printing.
3. Paper source: It use to specify the paper source like Manual or tray.
4. Lay out: It can be use to specific the header and footers. In this option line number is also available to specify whether to print the line number or not.
To Create PDF file: Ctrl +P, select Adobe PDF
PDF (Portable document format): Was develop to allow document to be ported from one location to another, with loosing its appearance, layout and content. Since this document is read only, its content cannot be changed. Document in this format can be created using Adobe Acrobat and read using Adobe acrobat Reader that free to download and use. Third party tool PDF 995 also allows you to create and read PDF documentation. PDF document can embed fonts and hence be read on any computer.
1. Change Case: It is used to change the case of selected text by using this feature. We can change selected text in upper, lower, sentence etc.
It will display
A. Sentence case
B. Upper case
C. Lower Case
D. Title Case
E. Toggle Case
2. A Super Script: The text that will be written at the above of the original line is called super Script. Press Ctrl+Shift+=
B. Sub Script: The text that will be written at the below of the original line is called sub script. Press ctrl+=
3. Spelling Checking: It is use to check the spelling of existing document. By using spelling checking we can also check the grammar and style error.
It will display:
A. Ignore: It is use to ignore the word that is not correct but we want to keep as it is.
B. Ignore All: It is use to ignore the word in entire document.
C. Add: It is used to store specified word in the dictionary.
D. Change: It is use to change the wrongly spelling word from suggested word dictionary.
E. Change All: It is use to change the wrongly words in the entire document
F. Auto Correct: It is use to add the wrongly spelling word and its correction to auto correct.
G. Cancel: It is use to go back on Ms Word.
Border and Shading: It is use to set the border style in selected text. In Ms Word various border can be applied to a single paragraph or group of paragraph. Different style of border like a thin or thick line, double or dot line can be applied in different colors. Shadow can also be selected for right or left of the paragraph. Press Alt+O+B.
Bullet and Numbering: It is use to set the bullet style in selected text. By using this feature we can set symbols or serial number to the left side of the text. Press Alt +O+N.
Word Count: It is use to count the number of word, paragraph, page and line available in the document. Formula click on tools→ Word Count or Press Ctrl+Shift+G
Header and Footers:
A) Headers is the text that will be printed at the top of the page.
B) Footers is the text that will be printed at the bottom at the page.
Foot Notes and End Notes a) Foots notes: It is the referes note written at the end of the some page.
B) Endnotes: Endnotes is the reference notes that will be printed at the end of the document.
Columns: It is use to create different types of column. In Ms word columns are available in format Menu. Text can be typed in different after defining the columns of the existing text can be converted in to columns.
Auto text and Auto correct:
Auto Text: It is use to insert the specific text, which are stored in auto text entry.
Formula click on Insert → Auto text → New
Start: select the specific text and click on insert→ Auto text → New. It will display
Auto text
Please enter shortcut for Auto text
Ok Cancel Help
Type the shortcut Name and Press ok button to display auto text.
Type the Shortcut Name and Press F3 button.
B) Auto Correct: It is use to create the text that is required immediately after keys. Common mistakes its correction will be stored as auto correct entries.
Formula: Click on Tools Auto correct. It will display.
What is Trake change?
Track Changes is a way for Microsoft Word to keep track of the changes you make to a document. You can then choose to accept or reject those changes.
Let's say Bill creates a document and emails it to his colleague, Lee, for feedback. Lee can edit the document with Track Changes on. When Lee sends the document back to Bill, Bill can see what changes Lee had made.
Track Changes is also known as redline, or redlining. This is because some industries traditionally draw a vertical red line in the margin to show that some text has changed.
Mail Merg in Ms Word:
What is mail Merge?
Mail Merge is a technique where some text mater in a file is merged file. It is use to print multiple latter addressed to many members when the subject matter of the letters is same.
By using mail merge we can also created form latter, mailing labels, envelopes and catalogs.
Text.: Text document saves the file without any text and paragraph formatting. These are blank text file. This file can be open in Note Pad also gives file extension .txt.
(ii) RFT (Rich Text Format): It is used as a common format for exchanging document between word processor. It preserve the appearance and contains of the document. Graphics and other object will be saved with the text but may be lost when the file is open in another application. It gives file extension .RTF.
Creating Macros in Ms Word: It is use to store one of more command in a key or combination of keys.
Formula Click on Tool → Macro → Record new Macro. It will display.
Converting Word document in to various format like text, rich text format, word perfect, HTML (Hyper text markup language template.)
Header & Footer
Word Header and Footer allow you to insert information at the top or bottom of every page. This information normally consists of chapter headings, page number, etc.
Track Change
We can easily make and view tracked changes and comments while we work in a document. By default, Microsoft Office Word 2007 uses balloons to display deletions, comments, formatting changes, and content that has moved. If you want to see all of your changes inline, you can change settings so that tracked changes and comments display the way you want.
Track changes while you edit
1. Open the document that you want to revise.
2. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes image.
To add a track changes indicator to the status bar, right-click the status bar and click Track Changes. Click the Track Changes indicator on the status bar to turn track changes on or off.
3. Make the changes that you want by inserting, deleting, moving, or formatting text or graphics. You can also add comments.
NOTE If you use change tracking and then save your document as a Web page (.htm or .html), tracked changes will appear on your Web page.
What does the Document Map do? Describe?
Strictly speaking, it doesn't do anything. It just sits there on the left of our screen. What it shows us, however, can be very useful.
It shows an outline of your document. That is, it shows all the headings in your document. You get to choose whether to show just the highest-level headings, or lower-level headings as well.
Customizations stored in the active document take effect as soon as the document becomes active and remain in effect only so long as the document remains active. You should choose the location most appropriate to your customization but that limits the scope to the minimum required level.
Goal seek
Goal Seek is part of a suite of commands sometimes called what-if analysis tools. When you know the desired result of a single formula but not the input value the formula needs to determine the result, you can use the Goal Seek feature available by clicking Goal Seek on the Tools menu. When goal seeking, Microsoft Excel varies the value in one specific cell until a formula that's dependent on that cell returns the result you want.
Data table
Data Tables are a range of cells that are used for testing and analyzing outcomes on a large scale.
A Data Table will show you how by changing certain values in your formulas you can affect the result of your formula. There are two types of Data Tables, One-variable data tables and two-variable data tables.
In Excel, the VLookup function searches for value in the left-most column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the index_number.
The syntax for the VLookup function is:
VLookup( value, table_array, index_number, not_exact_match )
What is Conditional Formatting?
Conditional formatting allows you to select one or more cells, and create rules for when and how those cells are formatted.
You can control the cell font, fill colour and border setting, based on the selected cell's contents, or based on the contents of another cell.
If the rules (conditions) that you specified are met, then the formatting is applied.
Relative cell Reference
In Excel and other spreadsheets, a relative cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells.
Cell references are used in formulas, functions, charts , and other Excel commands.
By default, a spreadsheet cell reference is relative. What this means is that as a formula or function is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function change to reflect the function's new location.
Absolute Reference
In Excel and other spreadsheets, an absolute cell reference identifies the location a cell or group of cells.
Cell references are used in formulas, functions, charts , and other Excel commands.
An absolute cell reference consists of the column letter and row number surrounded by dollar signs ( $ ).
An example of an absolute cell reference would be $C$4, $G$15, or $A$345.
Note: An easy way to add the dollar signs to a cell reference is to click on a cell reference and then press the F4 key on the keyboard.
An absolute cell reference is used when you want a cell reference to stay fixed on a specific cell.
This means that as a formula or function is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function do not change.
By contrast, most cell references in a spreadsheet are relative cell references, which change when copied and pasted to other cells.
Notepad is a text editor available in Accessories. It allows typing and editing the text. In Notepad text can only be type and cannot be formatted. It has no paragraph or character formatting capability. Files are limited to text only.
Notepad takes much less memory then WordPad and starts faster. It is also use to write programs from programming language like: COBOL, Oracle, FoxPro, BASIC etc. It gives file extension .txt. Control Panel
It is use to set the screen color, Wallpaper, Screen sever, Adding and Removing program, Font, Hardware, Setting the primary mouse button, setting the Date / Time etc.
MS Paint
MS Paint (Paint Brush) MS paint is a drawing program used to draw of images. Different tones and colors are available create any good pictures. It gives extension. .BMP.
1. (Free- Form select): It is used to select any area of the picture by drawing a free hand line.
2. Select: It is used to select a rectangular portion of the drawing. It is the easier way to select the picture.
3. Eraser: It is used to erase any color.
. Paint cone, Fill with color: It is used to fill any include area the - color.
5. Pick Color: It is used to select a particular color, which is use in the picture.
6. Magnifier: It is used to zoom to particular part of the picture.
7. Pencil: It is used to draw a thin and thick line.
8. Brush: It is used to draw image. It works like a pen.
9. Airbrush: It is used to spray the select area.
10. Text: It is use to type text inside the picture.
11. Line: It use to draw a straight line.
12. Curve: It used to draw the curve line.
13. Rectangle: It is use to draw rectangle box.
14. Polygon: It is use to draw the polygon.
15. Ellipse: It is use to draw the circle.
16. Round Rectangle: It is used to draw the round box.
1. Backup tools: Window XP provides backup program to prevent loss of data from accident or power and disk failure.
Formula: click on start → Program→ Accessories→ System Tools → Backup
2. Character Map: It is use to select some special character such as foreign character or currency symbols. It displays 224 characters in the selected font. It is a special application, which is not having a menu bar.
Formula: Click on start→ Accessories→ System tool → Character map.
Disk Defragmentation: It is use to tuning up Hard disk for maximum performance. We can speed up the Hard Disk response time by using the Disk Defragementation. It is also use to re-arrange files and un-used spaces on the Hard disk.
Disk Clean Up: The disk clean up tools helps you free up space on your hard disk by searching your disk for files that you can safely delete
A. Remove temporary internet file
B. Remove downloaded program file example Active X, Controls and Jawa Applets that are down loaded from the internet.
C. Empty the recycle Bin
D. Remove windows temporary file
E. Remove optional Windows component that you are not using
F. Remove installed programmed that your no longer use.
MS Word:
Microsoft word is a software package, developed by Microsoft corporation for word processing application. It is a full fledged word processing package. In ms word we can create format and print the document by using following features.
1 Change Case
2. Spelling and Grammar Checking
3. Auto text and Auto correct
4. Super-script and sub- Script
5. Bullet and numbering.
6. Border and shading
7. Tables and columns.
8. Mail Merge
9. Microsoft and temples etc.
10. Header & Footer
Saving a document → Press Ctrl +S. It gives file extension .DOC
To open a file→ Press Ctrl +O
To create a new Document: press Ctrl +N
To Print a Document: press Ctrl +P
Page Set up in MS word: It is use to set the margin paper size, text element and layout of the page. Formula → Click on file Page setup. Or press Alt +F+U.
It will display 4 tabs.
1. Margin: It is use to specific the top, bottom, left, right and gutter margin.
2. Paper size: It can use to specify the size of the paper on which the printing can be done. In MS Word default paper size will be Letter size. It can be change according to the size of paper used for printing.
3. Paper source: It use to specify the paper source like Manual or tray.
4. Lay out: It can be use to specific the header and footers. In this option line number is also available to specify whether to print the line number or not.
To Create PDF file: Ctrl +P, select Adobe PDF
PDF (Portable document format): Was develop to allow document to be ported from one location to another, with loosing its appearance, layout and content. Since this document is read only, its content cannot be changed. Document in this format can be created using Adobe Acrobat and read using Adobe acrobat Reader that free to download and use. Third party tool PDF 995 also allows you to create and read PDF documentation. PDF document can embed fonts and hence be read on any computer.
1. Change Case: It is used to change the case of selected text by using this feature. We can change selected text in upper, lower, sentence etc.
It will display
A. Sentence case
B. Upper case
C. Lower Case
D. Title Case
E. Toggle Case
2. A Super Script: The text that will be written at the above of the original line is called super Script. Press Ctrl+Shift+=
B. Sub Script: The text that will be written at the below of the original line is called sub script. Press ctrl+=
3. Spelling Checking: It is use to check the spelling of existing document. By using spelling checking we can also check the grammar and style error.
It will display:
A. Ignore: It is use to ignore the word that is not correct but we want to keep as it is.
B. Ignore All: It is use to ignore the word in entire document.
C. Add: It is used to store specified word in the dictionary.
D. Change: It is use to change the wrongly spelling word from suggested word dictionary.
E. Change All: It is use to change the wrongly words in the entire document
F. Auto Correct: It is use to add the wrongly spelling word and its correction to auto correct.
G. Cancel: It is use to go back on Ms Word.
Border and Shading: It is use to set the border style in selected text. In Ms Word various border can be applied to a single paragraph or group of paragraph. Different style of border like a thin or thick line, double or dot line can be applied in different colors. Shadow can also be selected for right or left of the paragraph. Press Alt+O+B.
Bullet and Numbering: It is use to set the bullet style in selected text. By using this feature we can set symbols or serial number to the left side of the text. Press Alt +O+N.
Word Count: It is use to count the number of word, paragraph, page and line available in the document. Formula click on tools→ Word Count or Press Ctrl+Shift+G
Header and Footers:
A) Headers is the text that will be printed at the top of the page.
B) Footers is the text that will be printed at the bottom at the page.
Foot Notes and End Notes a) Foots notes: It is the referes note written at the end of the some page.
B) Endnotes: Endnotes is the reference notes that will be printed at the end of the document.
Columns: It is use to create different types of column. In Ms word columns are available in format Menu. Text can be typed in different after defining the columns of the existing text can be converted in to columns.
Auto text and Auto correct:
Auto Text: It is use to insert the specific text, which are stored in auto text entry.
Formula click on Insert → Auto text → New
Start: select the specific text and click on insert→ Auto text → New. It will display
Auto text
Please enter shortcut for Auto text
Ok Cancel Help
Type the shortcut Name and Press ok button to display auto text.
Type the Shortcut Name and Press F3 button.
B) Auto Correct: It is use to create the text that is required immediately after keys. Common mistakes its correction will be stored as auto correct entries.
Formula: Click on Tools Auto correct. It will display.
What is Trake change?
Track Changes is a way for Microsoft Word to keep track of the changes you make to a document. You can then choose to accept or reject those changes.
Let's say Bill creates a document and emails it to his colleague, Lee, for feedback. Lee can edit the document with Track Changes on. When Lee sends the document back to Bill, Bill can see what changes Lee had made.
Track Changes is also known as redline, or redlining. This is because some industries traditionally draw a vertical red line in the margin to show that some text has changed.
Mail Merg in Ms Word:
What is mail Merge?
Mail Merge is a technique where some text mater in a file is merged file. It is use to print multiple latter addressed to many members when the subject matter of the letters is same.
By using mail merge we can also created form latter, mailing labels, envelopes and catalogs.
Text.: Text document saves the file without any text and paragraph formatting. These are blank text file. This file can be open in Note Pad also gives file extension .txt.
(ii) RFT (Rich Text Format): It is used as a common format for exchanging document between word processor. It preserve the appearance and contains of the document. Graphics and other object will be saved with the text but may be lost when the file is open in another application. It gives file extension .RTF.
Creating Macros in Ms Word: It is use to store one of more command in a key or combination of keys.
Formula Click on Tool → Macro → Record new Macro. It will display.
Converting Word document in to various format like text, rich text format, word perfect, HTML (Hyper text markup language template.)
Header & Footer
Word Header and Footer allow you to insert information at the top or bottom of every page. This information normally consists of chapter headings, page number, etc.
Track Change
We can easily make and view tracked changes and comments while we work in a document. By default, Microsoft Office Word 2007 uses balloons to display deletions, comments, formatting changes, and content that has moved. If you want to see all of your changes inline, you can change settings so that tracked changes and comments display the way you want.
Track changes while you edit
1. Open the document that you want to revise.
2. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes image.
To add a track changes indicator to the status bar, right-click the status bar and click Track Changes. Click the Track Changes indicator on the status bar to turn track changes on or off.
3. Make the changes that you want by inserting, deleting, moving, or formatting text or graphics. You can also add comments.
NOTE If you use change tracking and then save your document as a Web page (.htm or .html), tracked changes will appear on your Web page.
What does the Document Map do? Describe?
Strictly speaking, it doesn't do anything. It just sits there on the left of our screen. What it shows us, however, can be very useful.
It shows an outline of your document. That is, it shows all the headings in your document. You get to choose whether to show just the highest-level headings, or lower-level headings as well.
Customizations stored in the active document take effect as soon as the document becomes active and remain in effect only so long as the document remains active. You should choose the location most appropriate to your customization but that limits the scope to the minimum required level.
Creating blogs in Word 2007
Today we all have our blogs; but four to five years ago this concept was not popular. But now blogs have their own importance for personal and business purposes. ‘Blog’ is a short term for ‘web log’. It is a website that is like a diary or a log where you can write your thoughts, events, actions, anything and everything you want. There are millions of blogs on the internet today. Some blogs are personal which a log of a person’s activities or thoughts. But some blogs are also used as a business tool for communicating and sharing knowledge to a group of people with same interest or career. Blogs are open to public to view and share their thoughts. There are different providers that offer services to create and maintain a blog on their servers. Microsoft Word 2007 provides a new feature of creating blogs in Word.
Starting a new blog post
Creating a blog is similar as creating a new document. Follow the following steps for creating a new blog post.
1. Launch Word 2007 and click on the Office button.
2. Select New to open the ‘New document’ window.
3. Choose ‘New Blog post’ in the window.
4. The New Blog Account window appears. This is the first step of the blog registration wizard.
Here you can choose to register immediately and then write a post or you can always choose to ‘Register Later’ and proceed with writing the blog post first.
5. If you choose to ‘Register Now’ you would be taken to the New Blog Account window.
If you already have a blog account with any of the providers like Windows Live Spaces, Blogger, SharePoint blog, or any other then choose the same from the drop down list and enter the login information and proceed with the wizard.
6. 6. When you finish with the wizard or if you click on register later, you would be returned to the Blog Post Window, which looks similar to the ‘New document window’. See figure below:
The ribbon (menu bar in the new interface) in the New Blog Post window features only two tabs – Blog Post and Insert.
The Blog Post tab consists of all the commands and tools related to creating post, editing the text, clipboard, styles and proofing.
On the other hand the Insert tab lets you add table, pictures, links, etc to your blog.
Entering the post
The default format for the New blog post asks you to enter a post title to begin with the blog.
Enter the post title and begin typing below the line. You can use different text options and styles to stylize your text as per you choice.
Categorizing your blog
Word 2007 also lets you categorize your blog so that the search engines could locate your blog and readers would find your blog while searching for a specific category. To insert a category to your blog, choose Insert Category option from the Blog Post tab on the ribbon. You can explore the list of existing category from the given list or create a new one.
Adding hyperlinks to your blog
A blog can have hyperlinks to link from and to your posts. You can choose a portion of text in your blog and then go to the Insert tab on the ribbon, click on Insert Hyperlink and in the address box provide the URL which you want to link. This text would now appear in blur color with an underline, indicating that it is a hypertext. Anyone who clicks on this link would now traverse to the URL you have provided.
Adding pictures to your blog
Make your post interesting by adding pictures to it. To add pictures go to the Insert tab on the ribbon, choose Picture button from the Illustrations group and browse to the path of the picture, and click on Insert. Once you insert a picture, the ribbon is populated with the Picture tools.
With the help of these tools you can edit the image, add any special effects, arrange the position and resize it.
When you are done with your blog post, the last step is to publish it. Click on the Office button, choose Publish and Blog.
If you have already registered then your blog post would be posted, else the Register a Blog Account dialog box would be prompted. Follow the steps of the wizard to post you blog.
I hope this article was informative and has given you an insight to the blogging feature in Word 2007.
Goal seek
Goal Seek is part of a suite of commands sometimes called what-if analysis tools. When you know the desired result of a single formula but not the input value the formula needs to determine the result, you can use the Goal Seek feature available by clicking Goal Seek on the Tools menu. When goal seeking, Microsoft Excel varies the value in one specific cell until a formula that's dependent on that cell returns the result you want.
Data table
Data Tables are a range of cells that are used for testing and analyzing outcomes on a large scale.
A Data Table will show you how by changing certain values in your formulas you can affect the result of your formula. There are two types of Data Tables, One-variable data tables and two-variable data tables.
In Excel, the VLookup function searches for value in the left-most column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the index_number.
The syntax for the VLookup function is:
VLookup( value, table_array, index_number, not_exact_match )
What is Conditional Formatting?
Conditional formatting allows you to select one or more cells, and create rules for when and how those cells are formatted.
You can control the cell font, fill colour and border setting, based on the selected cell's contents, or based on the contents of another cell.
If the rules (conditions) that you specified are met, then the formatting is applied.
Relative cell Reference
In Excel and other spreadsheets, a relative cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells.
Cell references are used in formulas, functions, charts , and other Excel commands.
By default, a spreadsheet cell reference is relative. What this means is that as a formula or function is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function change to reflect the function's new location.
Absolute Reference
In Excel and other spreadsheets, an absolute cell reference identifies the location a cell or group of cells.
Cell references are used in formulas, functions, charts , and other Excel commands.
An absolute cell reference consists of the column letter and row number surrounded by dollar signs ( $ ).
An example of an absolute cell reference would be $C$4, $G$15, or $A$345.
Note: An easy way to add the dollar signs to a cell reference is to click on a cell reference and then press the F4 key on the keyboard.
An absolute cell reference is used when you want a cell reference to stay fixed on a specific cell.
This means that as a formula or function is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function do not change.
By contrast, most cell references in a spreadsheet are relative cell references, which change when copied and pasted to other cells.
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