
Dr. Charles Simonyi is the Father of Modern Microsoft Excel                                           JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript.                                           The word "Biology" is firstly used by Lamarck and Treviranus                                           Hippocrates (460-370 bc) is known as father of medicine.                                           Galene, 130-200 is known as father of Experimental Physology                                           Aristotle (384-322 BC) is known as Father of Zoology because he wrote the construction and behavior of different animals in his book "Historia animalium"                                           Theophrastus(370-285 BC) is known as father of Botany because he wrote about 500 different plants in his book "Historia Plantarum".                                           John Resig is known as Father of Jquery -                                          HTML is a markup language which is use to design web pages. It was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.                                                                The Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.                                                                Rasmus Lerdorf was the original creator of PHP. It was first released in 1995.                                                               Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg                                                               Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++.                                                                Dennis Ritchie creator of C                                                                                                                              James Gosling, also known as the "Father of Java"                                          At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state                                          Father of HTML -Tim Berners Lee                                          orkut was created by Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer                    Photoshop: It came about after Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan created a program to display grayscale images on a monochrome monitor which at the time was called 'Display'.

Animation - Lithium Atom


Step One: Setting up the Flash File
  1. Open a new: Flash Movie
  2. Go to: Modify> Document (Ctrl+J)
  3. If you wish change the: Background Colour
  4. Set the size to: 250 x 250 pixels
  5. Click: OK
Step Two: Creating the Nucleus
  1. Select the Oval tool: 
  2. Draw a: Perfect circle
  3. Note: To draw a perfect circle hold the Shift Key down when drawing the circle.
  4. Go back to the Selection Tool: 
  5. Delete the: Stroke (outside border of the circle)
  6. Select the: Circle
  7. Open the Colour Swatches: Windows > Design Panel > Color Swatches (Ctrl+F9)
  8. Select a Radial Gradient from the bottom of the Color Swatches for the circle:

    Selecting the Radial Gradient. 
  9. Right click (Mac Ctrl Click) and Select: Convert to Symbol
  10. Name the Convert the circle to a Movie Clip named: mc_nucleus
  11. Select a centred registration point: 
  12. Click: OK

    The Movie Clip: mc_nucleus


Step Three : Creating the Electron
  1. Select the Oval tool: 
  2. Draw a small: Perfect circle
  3. Go back to the Selection Tool: 
  4. Delete the: Stroke (outside border of the circle)
  5. Select the: Circle
  6. Select a light colour or Gradient Fill: 
  7. Right click and Select: Convert to Symbol
  8. Name the Convert the circle to a Movie Clip named: mc_electron
  9. Select a centred registration point: 
  10. Click: OK

    The Movie clip: mc_electron
Step Four : Creating the Revolving Electron
  1. Go to: Insert > New Symbol
  2. Name the Symbol: mc_revolving_electron
  3. Select: Movie Clip
  4. Note: Registration point isn't important.
  5. Click: OK
  6. If the Library is closed Open it: Window > Library (F11)
  7. Drag onto the centre of the stage a copy of the Symbol: mc_nucleus
  8. Use the Ellipse tool to draw an ellipse that is slightly large then the Nucleus: Draw Ellipse
  9. Select the Ellipse Fill (centre) and press: Delete

    The black ellipse will become the electrons orbital path.
  10. Select the Symbol mc_nucleus and press: Delete
  11. Select a colour for your electrons orbital path. I selected: Red

    My red ellipse will become the electrons orbital path. 
  12. Right Click in Frame 22 and select: Insert Frame
  13. Note: The exact frame number doesn't matter. The higher the frame number, the longer the electron takes to animate around the nucleus.
  14. In the Timeline rename Layer 1 to: Ring
  15. Create a new Layer by clicking the Insert Layer button: 
  16. Rename the new layer: Ball1
  17. Right Click (Mac: Ctrl click) on the Ball 1 Label and select: Add Motion Guide

    The new Guide Layer is at the top.
  18. Select the ellipse and go to: Edit >Copy (Ctrl+V)
  19. Select Frame 1 of the Guide Layer and go to: Edit > Paste in Place (Ctrl+Shift+V)
  20. On Frame 1 of the Ball 1 layer, place an instance of the clip: mc_electron
  21. In the last Frame of the Ball 1 Layer, right click and select: Insert keyframe 
  22. Select Frame 1 of the Ball 1 Layer, right click and select: Create Motion Tween
  23. In the Property Inspector select: Orient to Path

    Check the Orient to Path check box. 
  24. Turn off Visibility  in all the Layers except the: Guide Layer

    Guide Layer is visible.
  25. Select the Eraser tool: 
  26. Zoom in really closely to any point on the ellipse in the Guide Layer and erase a small fraction of the ellipse. See below:

    Zoom right up to the ellipse and erase a small section.
  27. Lock the Guide layer: 
  28. In the Ball 1 Layer turn on the: Visibility
  29. Select the frame 1 of the: Ball1 Layer

    The Guide Layer is locked.
  30. Make sure Snap to Objects is ONView > Snapping > Snap to Objects

    Snap to Objects is selected.
  31. Move the Symbol mc_electron so its registration point is snaps to the left ellipse endpoint :

    Drag the electrons registration point ( the small circle  ) until it snaps to the end point of the guide line.
  32. Note: You should see a definite snap movement when the symbol latches onto the guideline.
  33. In the Ball 1 Layer select the: End Keyframe (Frame 22)
  34. In Frame 22 snap mc_electron to the other end of the: Guideline (the right side of the gap)
  35. Move the play head to Frame 1 (any Layer) and press: Enter
    You will see the animation.

    When done, the Movie Clip mc_revolving_electron should animate like this.
Step Five : Creating the Atom Movie Clip
  1. Go to: Insert > New Symbol (Ctrl F8)
  2. Mane the new symbol: mc_atom
  3. For Behavior select: Movie Clip
  4. Click: OK 
  5. Create the following layers:

    Your Layers should be look like this. 

  6. In Frame 1 of the Nucleus layer, place an instance of the clip: mc_nucleus
  7. Open the Align Panel: Window > Design Panels > Align (Ctrl K)
  8. Center the mc_nucleus to the Stage: Centre 
  9. In Frame 1 of the Ball1 layer, place an instance of the clip: mc_revolving_electron
  10. Center the mc_revolving_electron to the Stage: Centre 

    Electron centred and Nucleus centred.
  11. In the Property Inspector give it an Instance Name it: ball1

    The symbol mc_revolving_electron has the Instance name: ball1
  12. In Frame 1 of the Nucleus Layer select: mc_nucleus
  13. Go to: Edit > Copy
  14. Select Frame 1 of the Mask1 Layer
  15. Draw a circle about twice the size of the nucleus: Draw a Circle
  16. Delete the circles: Stroke (outline)
  17. Select a: Plain Fill Colour
  18. Centre the circle around the: Nucleus
  19. Still in Frame 1 of the Mask1 Layer and go to : Edit > Paste in Place (Ctrl+Shift+V)
  20. Note: You should still have the mc_nucleus symbol in the computers memory.
  21. Go to: Modify > Break Apart
  22. Delete the: Nucleus
  23. Note: You should be left with a donut that fits visually exactly around the nucleus clip shown on the nucleus layer. The blue is my circle on the Mask 1 layer. With the hole cut in it you can see the nucleus below. 
  24. Select the paint Brush: 
  25. Select any new: Fill Colour
  26. Note: I selected a Pink: 
  27. Use your brush tool to roughly paint over the path the electron takes as it passes over the nucleus. Make sure the width of the blob you paint is a little thicker than the diameter of the electron:

    I have painted the pink along the electrons path 
  28. Right click on the Mask 1 Layer Name and Select: Mask
  29. Select the Layer: Ball 2
  30. Drag out of the Library another copy of: mc_revolving_electron
  31. In the Property Inspector give it an Instance Name: ball2
  32. Using the Align Panel centre the Symbol to the Stage: Centre
  33. Open the Transform Panel: Window > Design Panels > Transform
  34. Rotate the mc_revolving_electron by: 60° 
  35. Select the Layer: Ball 3
  36. Drag out of the Library another copy of: mc_revolving_electron
  37. In the Property Inspector give it an Instance Name: ball3
  38. Using the Align Panel centre the Symbol to the Stage: Centre
  39. Open the Transform Panel: Window > Design Panels > Transform
  40. Rotate the mc_revolving_electron by: -60° 

    The idea is to get three electrons aligned like this

    Three electrons rotated, one by 60° and one by -60°. 
  41. Unlock  the Layer: Mask 1
  42. Lock all other Layers: 
  43. Go to: Edit > Select All (Ctrl + A)
  44. Note: This should select the Mask in Layer 1.
  45. Go to: Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C)
  46. Unlock the Layer: Mask 2
  47. Go to Frame 1 in Layer: Mask 2
  48. Go to: Edit > Paste in Place (Crt + Shift + V)
  49. Using the Transform Panel rotate the Mask by: 60°
  50. Right click on the Mask 2 Layer Name and select: Mask
  51. Unlock the Layer: Mask 3
  52. Go to Frame 1 in Layer: Mask 3
  53. Go to: Edit > Paste in Place (Ctrl + Shift + V)
  54. Using the Transform Panel rotate the Mask by: -60°
  55. Right click on the Mask 3 Layer Name and select: Mask

    The Layers should be stacked like this after masking.
  56. In Frame 1 of the Actions layer, place the following code:

    Note: This will stagger the beginning frames and positions of the electrons so that the electrons do not run in the same position.

Step Six: The Main Stage - Nearly There!!
  1. Return to the Main Stage: 
  2. Delete everything <gasp> from the: Main Stage
  3. Drag from the Library: mc_atom
  4. Select Frame 1 in the Timeline and from the Property Inspector select: Motion Tween
  5. Still in the Property Inspector select: 1 CW Rotation (or CCW)

    Property Inspector settings. 
  6. On frame 180 right click and select: Insert Keyframe 
  7. Test your movie: Control > Test Movie (Enter + Ctrl)

    If all has been done correctly, you will have 3 rings with 1 electron apiece revolving around the nucleus as the nucleus rotates about its own center.

    The final Movie should look more or less like this:


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