
Dr. Charles Simonyi is the Father of Modern Microsoft Excel                                           JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript.                                           The word "Biology" is firstly used by Lamarck and Treviranus                                           Hippocrates (460-370 bc) is known as father of medicine.                                           Galene, 130-200 is known as father of Experimental Physology                                           Aristotle (384-322 BC) is known as Father of Zoology because he wrote the construction and behavior of different animals in his book "Historia animalium"                                           Theophrastus(370-285 BC) is known as father of Botany because he wrote about 500 different plants in his book "Historia Plantarum".                                           John Resig is known as Father of Jquery -                                          HTML is a markup language which is use to design web pages. It was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.                                                                The Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.                                                                Rasmus Lerdorf was the original creator of PHP. It was first released in 1995.                                                               Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg                                                               Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++.                                                                Dennis Ritchie creator of C                                                                                                                              James Gosling, also known as the "Father of Java"                                          At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state                                          Father of HTML -Tim Berners Lee                                          orkut was created by Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer                    Photoshop: It came about after Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan created a program to display grayscale images on a monochrome monitor which at the time was called 'Display'.

Loading GIF Animation

Loading GIF Animation
Type : Text Source File :
Result : See the result

1. Create new document (CTRL + N) with your desired width and height size. I will start with 200 x 200 pixels.

Creating element1. Create new layer (SHIFT + CTRL + N).

2. Rectangural Marquee Tool (M).

3. On the middle top of the new created layer, make a selection of long box like shown.

4. Smooth the edge of the selection by 5 pixels (Select > Modify > Smooth. Enter 5 for Sample Radius).

5. Fill it with black color or whatever the color you want (SHIFT + F5).

6. Deselect the selection (CTRL + D).

7. Move Tool (V).

8. While holding ALT, click and drag the thick black line you just created to middle bottom of the layer.
This will duplicate the layer and move the object in that layer to your desired position.

9. Merge the two layers together as one single layer.
You can select multiple layers in 'Layers Window' by holding down CTRL button. Then, right click on one of the layers to select 'Merge Layers'.

10. Duplicate the merged layer (CTRL + J).

11. Free Transform the layer (CTRL + T).

12. While holding down SHIFT button, rotate the layer so it looks like:

13. Press ENTER button when you done.

14. Repeat step 9 to 13. When you done, the picture will look like:

15. Merge the two layers as one single layer.

Creating gradient1. Change your background and foreground color to default (D).

2. Switch your background and foreground color (X).

3. Goto Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient...

4. Click on OK button.

Creating the frames1. Create new document (CTRL + N). The new document has to be same size like your previous document.

2. We are going to create each frame of animation from previous document. So, arrange the window next to each other for easier navigation.

3. From previous document, merge the Gradient Fill layer and element layer by selecting both layer with CTRL, right click on one of them and choose 'Merge Layers'

4. Select All (CTRL + A) and paste it in new document.

5. Go back to previous document and pull out your 'History' panel if you don't have it on your screen (Window > History).

6. On 'History' panel, right click on 'Merge Layers' and choose 'Delete'.

7. Double click on Gradient Fill layer

8. Change the 'Angle' to 16.

5. Edit the gradient by double click on color bar

6. Choose the second preset

7. Change the location of the left Opacity Stop and Color Stop to 12%.

8. Change the Gradient Fill setting to the following:

9. Click OK button.
By creating Gradient Fill with Fill Layer, we can easily modify our gradient. All we need to do is rotate the gradient by changing its setting.

9. Repeat step 3 - 8 until you have 8 layers in your new document.

Creating the animationNow that we are done with our element, it's time to create the animation.

1. Jump to Adobe ImageReady (CTRL + SHIFT + M).

2. In ImageReady, open 'Animation' panel (Window > Animation).

3. On the 'Layers' panel, hide all the layers except for 'Background' and 'Layer 1'

4. On the 'Animation' panel, change the 'Frame Delay Time' to 0.2 second.

5. Click on 'Duplicate Current Frame' button.

6. Back to 'Layers' panel, un-hide layer 2.

7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until you have 8 frames in 'Animation' panel.

8. Save Optimized As... (ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + S).

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