
Dr. Charles Simonyi is the Father of Modern Microsoft Excel                                           JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript.                                           The word "Biology" is firstly used by Lamarck and Treviranus                                           Hippocrates (460-370 bc) is known as father of medicine.                                           Galene, 130-200 is known as father of Experimental Physology                                           Aristotle (384-322 BC) is known as Father of Zoology because he wrote the construction and behavior of different animals in his book "Historia animalium"                                           Theophrastus(370-285 BC) is known as father of Botany because he wrote about 500 different plants in his book "Historia Plantarum".                                           John Resig is known as Father of Jquery -                                          HTML is a markup language which is use to design web pages. It was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.                                                                The Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.                                                                Rasmus Lerdorf was the original creator of PHP. It was first released in 1995.                                                               Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg                                                               Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++.                                                                Dennis Ritchie creator of C                                                                                                                              James Gosling, also known as the "Father of Java"                                          At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state                                          Father of HTML -Tim Berners Lee                                          orkut was created by Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer                    Photoshop: It came about after Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan created a program to display grayscale images on a monochrome monitor which at the time was called 'Display'.


In this tutorial you will learn about Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, and Reusability.

Before starting to learn C++ it is essential to have a basic knowledge of the concepts of Object oriented programming. Some of the important object oriented features are namely:

Data Abstraction
Data Encapsulation

In order to understand the basic concepts in C++, a programmer must have a good knowledge of the basic terminology in object-oriented programming. Below is a brief outline of the concepts of object-oriented programming languages :

Object is the basic unit of object-oriented programming. Objects are identified by its unique name. An object represents a particular instance of a class. There can be more than one instance of a class. Each instance of a class can hold its own relevant data.

An Object is a collection of data members and associated member functions also known as methods.


Classes are data types based on which objects are created. Objects with similar properties and methods are grouped together to form a Class. Thus a Class represents a set of individual objects. Characteristics of an object are represented in a class as Properties. The actions that can be performed by objects become functions of the class and are referred to as Methods.

For example consider we have a Class of Cars under which Santro Xing, Alto and WaganR represents individual Objects. In this context each Car Object will have its own, Model, Year of Manufacture, Color, Top Speed, Engine Power etc., which form Properties of the Car class and the associated actions i.e., object functions like Start, Move, and Stop form the Methods of Car Class.

No memory is allocated when a class is created. Memory is allocated only when an object is created, i.e., when an instance of a class is created.


Inheritance is the process of forming a new class from an existing class or base class. The base class is also known as parent class or super class. The new class that is formed is called derived class. Derived class is also known as a child class or sub class. Inheritance helps in reducing the overall code size of the program, which is an important concept in object-oriented programming.
Data Abstraction:

Data Abstraction increases the power of programming language by creating user defined data types. Data Abstraction also represents the needed information in the program without presenting the details.

Data Encapsulation:

Data Encapsulation combines data and functions into a single unit called Class. When using Data Encapsulation, data is not accessed directly; it is only accessible through the functions present inside the class. Data Encapsulation enables the important concept of data hiding possible.


Polymorphism allows routines to use variables of different types at different times. An operator or function can be given different meanings or functions. Polymorphism refers to a single function or multi-functioning operator performing in different ways.


Overloading is one type of Polymorphism. It allows an object to have different meanings, depending on its context. When an existing operator or function begins to operate on new data type, or class, it is understood to be overloaded.


This term refers to the ability for multiple programmers to use the same written and debugged existing class of data. This is a time saving device and adds code efficiency to the language. Additionally, the programmer can incorporate new features to the existing class, further developing the application and allowing users to achieve increased performance. This time saving feature optimizes code, helps in gaining secured applications and facilitates easier maintenance on the application.

The implementation of each of the above object-oriented programming features for C++ will be highlighted in later sections.

Benefits Of OOPS
OOPS Program Designer व Program User दोनों के लिए कई सुविधाएं प्रदान करता है। OOPS द्वारा Develop किए जाने वाले Programs में निम्न विशेषताएं होती हैं-

Inheritance का प्रयोग करके एक Programmer बार-बार एक जैसी Coding लिखने से बच जाता है। वह एक बार लिखी गई Coding को बार-बार Reuse कर पाने में सक्षम हो जाता है। Coding को Reuse करने के कारण Programmer को Program Develop करने में कम समय लगता है और Program को Maintain करना सरल हो जाता है।

चूंकि, OOPS में Program का Data पूरी तरह से Outer World से Hide रहता है। Data को Access करने के लिए अधिकृत Member Functions ही उस Data को Access करने में सक्षम होते हैं। चूंकि, Program के Data को कोई भी Unauthorized External Function Access करने में सक्षम नहीं होता है, इसलिए Accidental Modifications से Data सुरक्षित रहता है।

एक ही Object के कई Instances बिना किसी Interference के एक ही Program में एक साथ Exist हो सकते हैं।
Program को Objects में विभाजित करने के कारण Program Real World Concepts को Logically ज्यादा बेहतर तरीके से Computer में Represent करने में सक्षम होता है।

OOPS पर आधारित Application को Upgrade, Modify व Change करना काफी सरल व सुविधाजनक होता है।

बहुत ही जटिल समस्याओं के समाधान को भी OOPS Concept के आधार पर काफी आसान तरीके से Develop व Manage किया जा सकता है।

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